The names of some aircraft carriers ("Lexington", "Saratoga", "Yorktown", etc.) appear at first glance to follow this as well, however those vessels are not named for the locations themselves but for battles that took place there. note The Alaska -class cruisers fell under the cruiser naming nomenclature as during WWII, both Alaska and Hawai'i were still considered territories of the US and hadn't gained statehood yet. Location Theme Naming: The light and heavy cruisers are named after American cities, while the battleships are named after American states, and the escort carriers named after various bays, straights, sounds, islands, and rivers.For some reason, the US has Odd Name Out in that their equipment descriptions are the only one that uses the proper country name to indicate country of origin instead of some kind of nickname or oblique reference (for Germany and USSR) for other countries' equipment. The Gunslinger: Their carriers are portrayed as using guns to launch their planes, as a counterpoint to the IJN carriers using traditional Japanese bows and the British carriers using compound bows.

Roberts doesn't have as much English in her lines compared to her earlier shipmates. Saratoga, Gambier Bay, and Intrepid are similar to Iowa, sprinkling English in their lines, though less frequently and with much better diction. Some have speculated that her speech pattern is modeled after Bonin English.

Of course, when read in Japanese, it's not actually very good. Iowa is an even bigger user of this than Kongou, judging from how many English words are in her introduction quote alone.